Clear clutter EFT Tapping video with Erika Awakening

Clearing clutter is our topic for today!

By popular demand by our TAPsmarter Gold members, I am releasing this video from the How to Attract Moneye … early.

The video is only ELEVEN minutes long, but after I recorded it last night, I promptly proceeded to clean my entire apartment and clear out nearly all of the paperwork that was on my to-do list … in less than 24 hours.

Not only did I not procrastinate or feel resistance, I actually ENJOYED the cleaning. And it was easy to throw things away that I don’t need anymore.

This is the magic of Holistic Belief Reprogramming (learn more here). It makes everything that seemed tedious and difficult … into something easy, fun, and enjoyable. Just by shifting our beliefs and emotional vibration.

Once you go learn Holistic Belief Reprogramming, which is an advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping), you’ll never go back!

Now, what does clearing your clutter have to do with financial and other forms of abundance? A LOT. But that’s a longer article, so for now, just trust me on this … a clear mind = a clear space, and a clear mind is far more powerful for manifesting what you want than a cluttered mind … experiment with it and see for yourself.

So here is this magical eleven-minute video … may it create the same irresistible urge to clear clutter for you that it did for me!!


erika awakening

You get instant access to the powerful EFT tapping video(s) described on this page when you join our Gold EFT Tapping video membership here:

advanced EFT tapping Emotional Freedom Technique Videos tapping therapy

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